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All Categories > Products > Diaphragm - Centrifugal - Gear - Peristaltic - Hose - Progressive Cavity > Progressive Cavity Pumps  

Progressive Cavity Pumps

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Whirling Int'l Compact Series WP44 A

WP & WPM Compact Series


The Compact Series have multiple uses within the industry. The design of these pumps includes an elastomeric wobble stator, a universal flexible joint and a mechanical seal.

  • They are economical and versatile pumps. Capacity rates from 0.4 USGPM to 22 USGPM and pressures up to 45 PSI
  • The pumps of the WP series, have an input shaft that may be coupled to a motor or a gearbox using an elastic coupling.
  • The WPM series is monoblock design. The pump is direct coupled to a flanged motor.

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Whirling Int'l Dosing Series WDP08 A

WDP Dosing Series


The Dosing Series

The pumps of the WDP series are widely used in laboratory dosages due to their perfect and exact dosage.

Low to highly viscous liquids, pasty, neutral or aggressive, pure or abrasive, gaseous or tending to froth, also with fibrous and solids content

Main Application

Sewage and environmental engineering, chemical and petrochemical industries, food and beverages industry, paper and pulp industry, soap and fats industry, dye and paint industry, plastic and ceramics industry

Performance data:

  • Capacity (Q) up to 10 l/min *
  • Discharge pressure up to 12 bar
  • Differential pressure up to 12 bar
  • Viscosity up to 20000 mm²/s
  • Fluid ...

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Whirling Int'l Industrial Series 2WL6 A

WL Industrial Series


The WL pumps are used in the most challenging applications in the industry such as:

Polymer feed, Adhesives, Abrasives Slurry, Fracking and Drilling, Wastewater Treatment Process.

The modular design of this series provides the ability to assemble pumps with 1, 2 or 3 stages. This allows the user to obtain pressures of 75 PSI, 150 PSI or 255 PSI depending on the stator and rotor length.



Grey Iron casting, 4140 internal shafts and rotor, nitrile stator. Packed pump*


Stainless Steel Castings and internals, nitrile stator. Packed pump*

Special features:

Whirling Int'l Open Throat Series 2WJ6 A

WJ Open Throat Series


The WJ series pumps have a wide open throat hopper and an auger feeder. This configuration allows the pumping of fluids of very high viscosities. Fats, cream, putty, pulps, etc ... Once the product falls into the hopper, it’s forced to enter the stator. They are manufactured in different materials, depending on the application.

This WJ Pump series is an ideal pumping solution for an expense list of difficult products such as:

  • Viscous solutions
  • High solids contents
  • Sludge's and slurries
  • Wine must
  • Food waste
  • Polymers

The open throat and the auger feed design forces the liquid toward the rotor and stator so it can fill the cavities and then pump.


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