Springer Pumps, LLC.
PO Box 269, 861 Tech Drive, Telford,PA
18969, US
Phone: 866-777-6060
Fax: 866-777-6383
Email: info@springerpumps.com
Website: http://www.springerpumps.com

Item # 825RG, 825RG Sanitary Peristaltic Metering and Transfer Pump
- Flow rates up to 8.8 gpm (33.3 lpm) at discharge pressures up to 50 psi continuous, 50 psi intermittent.
- Twin retractable rollers for SIP and CIP operation.
- Fitted with USP Class VI Certified and FDA Approved Bioprene or StaPure™ tubing for sanitary operation.
- The fluid being pumped does not contact mechanical parts or seals.
- Reversible operation.
- Only one wearing part: The tube.
- Easily and completely cleanable with hinged cover for easy tube access.
- No metal to metal contact.
- No internal back flow (slip).
- Self-priming/dry running.
- Ideal for viscous or shear sensitive products.
- Fixed speed, pneumatic, or electronic variable speed using optional AC Variable Frequency Drive.
- Explosion proof motors available for Fixed Speed or Variable Speed operation.
- Optional casters and pushbar for mobile applications.