Don't stress about ordering the right parts, coordinating deliveries, proper fit or trial and error assembling. Each FLUX® Pump Kit includes a motor, pump, hose, quick action tap and a compression gland. They cover a wide range of applications from sanitary to explosion proof and much more!
Anyone who wants to disperse, emulsify, homogenized, chill, dissolve, mix, neutralize, stir, circulate or exchange heat efficiently is faced with a demanding task ? from a technical and physical point of view. The mixing effect that flows develop depends on the shape of the container, the material and of course the type of mixer.
Due to the flexible modular system FLUX® is able to offer a wide range of options. This makes it possible to configure the mixer components of motor, shaft and mixing blade optimally for the application's requirements. If low speed is required slow running versions can be configured which are provided with intermediate gear and special mixing blades. The FLUX® mixers are available in various materials ...
The small drum pumps JUNIORFLUX® and COMBIFLUX® are especially suitable for pumping comparably small quantities out of containers such as canisters or drums of up to 200 liters. The small outer tube diameter allows pumping even out of narrow openings.