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AMT Self-Priming Solids Handling Pedestal pumps are designed for direct or belt drive. Specific units are available in Cast Aluminum, Cast Iron or Thermoplastic construction material. The units feature 3/8" to 2" solids handling construction and are fitted with a Cast Iron bearing housing which contains two or three precision sealed ball bearings depending on specific model. Easy cleanout design by removing casing bolts permits removal of debris without disconnecting hoses. The 3" & 4"more
Unit of Measure
Model 3829-99

3" and 4" Solids Handling
Unit Price QUOTE

Model 3829-99

2" Dewatering
Unit Price QUOTE

Model 3829-99

2" Solids Handling
Unit Price QUOTE

Model 3829-99

2" Solids Handling
Unit Price QUOTE
Manufacturer N/A American Machine and Tool Company
Curve N/A A N/A D N/A E N/A F
Porting Position
N/A 4 in N/A 2 in N/A 2 in N/A 2 in
Inlet Size
N/A 4 in N/A 2 in N/A 2 in N/A 2 in
Power Required at 3600 RPM N/A 15 hp N/A 5 hp N/A 5 hp N/A 3 hp
Temperature N/A 180 ºF N/A 130 ºF N/A 180 ºF N/A 180 ºF
Pump Type N/A Trash N/A Dewatering N/A Trash N/A Solids Handling
Driver N/A Pedestal
Installed Options N/A Silicon Carbide/Viton Seal, Flapper and Gasket Installed (339X-300-VS) (QUOTE)Silicon Carbide/Viton Seal, O-Ring and Flapper Installed (316X-300-VS) (QUOTE)